Camerata Group Photos |
(Click on photos below to get a larger image |
Carol (Ptack) Ramsey, Music Director - Photo taken at a Lake Forest Symphony benefit. |
The Camerata Singers performed only one concert with women singers only. In early 1981, the women were joined by men singers and this has been the Camerata lineup since that time.
From left - Carol (Ptack) Ramsey (director), Susan (Cartland) Bode, Ruth Harris, Rae Kendrick, Virginia Long-Cecil, Eleanor Kraemer, Claudia Kerski, and Joan Shelton. |
Carol (Ptack) Ramsey, Music Director - Photo taken in the sanctuary of the Church of the Holy Spirit in Lake Forest. |
Back row (from left) - Bill Miles, Jim Enstrom, Chuck Kraemer, Hal Jones, Mike Davis, Paul Magnusson; Front row (from left) - Joanna Rolek, Susan (Cartland) Bode, June Entwisle Miller, Ruth Harris, Rae Kendrick, Carol (Ptack) Ramsey (director), Eleanor Kraemer, Virginia Long-Cecil, Joan Shelton, and Claudia Kerski. |
Color photo of the same group as above, but some of the faces are obscured from view. |
Phillip Carey, Music Director - Photo taken at Lake Forest Academy in western Lake Forest. |
Back row (from left) - Jim Enstrom, Bruce Richardson, Gordon Johnson, John Nelson, Chuck Kraemer; Middle row - Paul Magnusson, Virginia Cecil-Long, Harlene Milani, Eleanor Kraemer, Bob Bakke; Front row - June Entwisle Miller, Susan (Cartland) Bode, Phillip Carey (director), Debbie Lehmann, Joan Shelton. |
Same group as above, but in concert. From left: Virginia Cecil-Long, John Nelson, Joan Shelton, Susan (Cartland) Bode, Jim Enstom, Eleanor Kraemer, Bob Bakke, Debbie Lehmann, Phillip Carey (director, facing the singers), Harlene Milani, Bruce Richard- |
son, June Entwisle Miller, and Gordon Johnson. Not shown - Lilias Circle, Chuck Kraemer and Paul Magnusson. Concert was in a private home on Onwentsia Road in Lake Forest
Phillip Carey, Music Director - Photo taken in the living room of the Albert Lasker Estate on Estate Lane in west Lake Forest. |
Back row (from left) - Joan Shelton, Virginia Cecil-Long, Eleanor Kraemer, Georgiana Askoff, Bob Bakke, Paul Magnusson, Harlene Milani, Susan (Cartland) Bode, Kathy Ferrin, June Entwisle Miller; front row - Chuck Kraemer, John Nelson, Phillip Carey, Gordon Johnson, Bill Schnell, Jim Enstrom, Dick Holmes. |
Phillip Carey, Music Director - Photo taken in the living room of Shadow Lawn, a large home on Sheridan Road in east Lake Forest. |
Back row (from left) - Phillip Carey, director, Jim Enstrom, John Nelson, Chuck Kraemer, Dick Holmes, Paul Magnusson, Bob Bakke, front row - June Entwisle Miller, Georgiana Askoff, Susan (Cartland) Bode, Harlene Milani, Eleanor Kraemer, Virginia Cecil-Long, Kathy Ferrin and Joan Shelton. |
Stephen Blackwelder, Music Director - Photo taken on a stairway in the Fairlawn Estate on East Deerpath Road in Lake Forest. |
From left - Dick Holmes, Kim Lyons, Chuck Kraemer, Gary Stuart (pianist), Stephen Blackwelder (director); From top, coming down by step - Jim Enstrom, Bob Bakke, Gordon Johnson, Ruth Ann Bishop, Joan Shelton, John Nelson, Lorraine Branham, Genevieve Gwynne, June Entwisle Miller, Eleanor Kraemer, Joanna Rolek, Emilysue Pinnell. |
Wayland Rogers, Music Director - Photo taken in the living room of the Albert Lasker Estate on Estate Lane in west Lake Forest. |
Back row (from left) - Wayland Rogers (director), Sally Schweikert, Judy Harris, Genevieve Gwynne, Nancy White, June Entwisle Miller, Joanna Rolek, Lorraine Branham, Kathy Ferrin, Gary Stuart (pianist); Front row - Bob Bakke, John Washburn, David Robin, Jim Enstrom, Kim Lyons, Paul Magnusson, Dick Holmes, Chuck Kraemer. |
Wayland Rogers, Music Director - Photo taken near the pool in a private home on Elm Tree Lane in East Lake Forest. |
Back row (from left) - Gary Stuart (pianist); Dick Holmes, Paul Magnusson, Kirk Ergang, Chuck Kraemer, Bob Bakke, Jim Enstrom, John Washburn, Paul McKenzie; Front row - Nancy White, Judy Harris, Sally Schweikert, Joan Welles, June Entwisle Miller, Nancy Orbison, Wayland Rogers (director), Lorraine Branham, Joanna Rolek. |
Wayland Rogers, Music Director - Photo taken in the living room of a private home on Elm Tree Road in east Lake Forest. |
Back row (from left) - Wayland Rogers (director), Bob Bakke, Paul Magnusson, June Entwisle Miller, Dick Holmes, Tim Haskett, Jim Enstrom, John Washburn, Ed Kramer; Front row - Nancy White, Martha Holt, Gary Stuart (pianist), Kathy Ferrin, Sally Schweikert, Michelle Bailey, Joan Welles, Lorraine Branham. |
Wayland Rogers, Music Director - Photo taken in the living room of a private home on West Old Mill in Lake Forest. |
Back row (from left) - Kirk Ergang, Sally Schweikert, Dale Pennington, Kati Olsen, Ed Kraemer, Lorraine Branham, Paul Magnusson, June Entwisle Miller, Dick Holmes, Nancy White, Bob Bakke, Rose Guccione; Front row - Caren Hiatt, Jim Enstrom, Kathy Ferrin, Paul Thompson, Joanna Rolek, John Washburn, Marilyn Holmes (board President), Janet Eckhardt (pianist) (at piano), Wayland Rogers (director), Sheila James (home owner). |
Wayland Rogers, Music Director - Photo taken in the garden of a home in Lake Forest. |
Back row (from left) - Wayland Rogers (director), Dick Holmes, Dale Pennington, Paul Magnusson, John Washburn, Ed Kramer, Gordon Ward, Kirk Ergang, Jim Enstrom; Front row - Janet Eckhart (pianist), Sally Schweikert, Joanna Rolek, Kati Olsen, Martha Holt, Nancy White, Michelle Bailey, Caren Hiatt, Lorraine Branham; missing was Bob Bakke. |
Wayland Rogers, Music Director - Photo taken in the living room of a private home on West Old Mill in Lake Forest. |
Back row (from left) - Wayland Rogers (director), Daniel Heiman, Ed Kramer, Lorraine Branham, Marcia Ecker, Dick Holmes, Jim Enstrom, John Washburn, Mark Zolezzi, Gregg Rodriguez, Carol Olsen, Janet Eckhardt (pianist); Front row - Kathy Ferrin, Kati Olsen, Joanna Rolek, Michelle Bailey, Caren Hiatt, June Entwisle Miller. |
Wayland Rogers, Music Director - Photo taken in the patio of a private home on Lake Road in east Lake Forest. |
Back row (from left) - Daniel Heiman, John Washburn, Ed Kramer, Jim Enstrom; 3rd row - Gregg Rodriguez, Paul Magnusson, Dick Holmes, Tom Ott; 2nd row - Caren Hiatt, Kati Olsen, Margie Stetka, Lorraine Branham; 1st row - Janet Eckhardt (pianist), June Entwisle Miller, Carol Olsen, Michelle Bailey, Marilyn Holmes (Board President), Joanna Rolek, Wayland Rogers (director). |
Wayland Rogers, Music Director - Photo taken on stairway leading down to the Lake Michigan shoreline. Stairway was part of the now extant Villa Turicum Estate . |
Back row (from left) - Wayland Rogers (director), John Washburn, John Nelson, Mike Nelson, Ed Kramer, Tim Haskett, Daniel Heiman, Jim Enstrom, Dick Holmes; Front row - Janet Eckhardt (pianist), Joanna Rolek, Carol Olsen, Gail Beckman, Caren Hiatt, Lorraine Branham, Kati Olsen, Jane Applequist, Michelle Bailey, Amy Nelson. |
Wayland Rogers, Music Director - Photo taken in the sanctuary of the Church of the Holy Spirit in Lake Forest. |
Back row (from left) - Dick Holmes, Amy Nelson, Paul Magnusson, Kasia Dorula, John Washburn, Bonnie Fights, Wayland Rogers (director), Janet Eckhardt (pianist), Daniel Heiman, Joanna Rolek, Jim Enstrom; Front row - Nathan Windt, Jane Applequist, Mike Nelson, Marcia Ecker, Lorraine Branham, Ed Kramer, Caren Hiatt, Jay Jingst. |
Julia Davids, Music Director - Photo taken in the lobby of the Northern Trust Bank on East Deerpath Road in Lake Forest. |
Back row (from left) - Dick Holmes, Jim Enstrom, Daniel Heiman, Tom Tropp, Gregg Rodriguez, Ed Kramer, John Washburn, Paul Magnusson, Julia Davids (director); Front row - Janet Eckhardt (pianist), Sherrie Olsen, Idona Griffith, Joanna Rolek, Jane Applequist, Lorraine Branham, Marcia Ecker, Caren Hiatt, Liz Herr, Michelle Bailey. |
Julia Davids, Music Director - Photo taken in a private home on Sher- idan Road in Lake Forest. (from Forest and Bluff magazine) |
Back row (from left) - Gregg Rodriguez, Tom Tropp, John Washburn, Jim Enstrom, Dick Holmes, Paul Magnusson, Daniel Heiman, Ed Kramer; Front row (from left) - Caren Hiatt, Liz Herr, Sherrie Olsen, Teresa Scalise, Janet Eckhardt (pianist),, Julia Davids (director) Idona Griffith, Michelle Bailey, Jane Applequist, Marcia Ecker, and Lorraine Branham. |