(return to CAMERATA SINGERS, P.O. Box 53, Lake Forest, IL  60045)

(Make checks payable to “Camerata Singers of Lake Forest”)


Mail tickets/information to:


            Name    _______________________________________________________________


            Address  ______________________________________________________________


            City  ____________________  State  ___  Zip ________  Phone No. ______________




We recognize our donors by mentioning them in our concert program and by providing complimentary gifts according to the following schedule:  Camerata is a 501C(3) corporation and gifts to Camerata are tax-deductible.


     Category     Gift


     ____  Angeli ($1000 or more)    Concert sponsorship [call (847) 295-8427 for details]


     ____  Cherubini ($500 to $999)   Two complimentary season tickets

            Please indicate your time preference:   ____  2:30 pm  ____ 5:00 pm

     ____  Sponsori  ($250 to $499)         One complimentary season ticket

            Please indicate your time preference:   ____  2:30 pm  ____  5:00 pm

     ____  Patroni  ($100 to $249)           One complimentary single concert ticket

            Please indicate your date and time preference (you can decide later)

            Date  __________ Time preference:   ____  2:30 pm   ____  5:00 pm

     ____  Donatori  ($99 and under)




                                               Quantity                                  Total


     Paid Full Season subscription (4 concert series)  _______    X  $88 =     $__________

      Please indicate your time preference:    _____ 2:30 pm  ____   5:00 pm 


     Paid Mini Season subscription (3 concert series)  _______    X  $69 =     $__________

      Please indicate your time preference:   _____  2:30 pm  ____   5:00 pm

      Please select 3 concert dates:    ____  Dec.  ____  Feb. ____  April  ____  June     


     Single concert reservation


       December 2, 2007 concert:        ____ 2:30 pm ____ 5:00 pm  _______      X  $29 =     $__________


       February 10, 2008 concert       ____ 2:30 pm ____ 5:00 pm     _______     X  $29 =     $__________


      April 6, 2008 concert:        ____ 2:30 pm ____ 5:00 pm  _______      X  $29 =     $__________


       June 8, 2008 concert     ____ 2:30 pm ____ 5:00 pm _______       X  $29 =     $__________


     Donation (see above):                      $__________


      Total                                               $___________